How to bleed radiators

Keeping your radiators free of trapped air is essential for ensuring they heat up properly throughout. Here's a simple guide to bleeding your radiators yourself:

What You'll Need:

  • Radiator bleed key (available at most hardware stores)
  • Rag or towel


  1. Locate the Bleed Valve:  Find the bleed valve on your radiator. It's usually a small square or circular valve at the top of the radiator, opposite the end where the pipe enters.
  2. Place the Rag Underneath:  Put the rag or towel under the bleed valve to catch any drips of water.
  3. Insert and Turn the Key:  Use the radiator bleed key and insert it into the bleed valve.  Turn the key anti-clockwise slowly.
  4. Release the Air:  As you turn the key, you'll hear air hissing out of the valve. This is the trapped air you're releasing.
  5. Wait for Water:  Keep the key turned until water starts to come out, along with a possible sputtering sound. Tighten the key as soon  as you see steady water flow.
  6. Close the Valve and Repeat:  Turn the key clockwise to close the bleed valve securely. Repeat this process on all your radiators in the house.

Bleeding Tips:

  • It's best to bleed your radiators once a year, ideally before winter.
  • If you're unsure about any steps, consult a qualified heating engineer for assistance.
  • Only open the valve slightly – a small turn is enough to release the air.

By following these simple steps, you can bleed your radiators yourself and ensure a warm and comfortable home throughout the winter.

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